
Our core curriculum Tapestry of Grace branches off of topics of History. I really love this program which I explain more about at this posting, and then review further here.

We are currently tapping into Year 2 Between Ancient and Modern, and what a great time we are having! The first unit of study which we began in October 2012 (before that we were finishing up Year 1, Unit 4) began with finishing up the study of Romans and took us through the Viking Age, and the Middle Ages. We really had a lot of fun with this. Who wouldn't have a blast studying Knights and Castles?

Here is the big Castle project the kiddos had to create toward the end of the Unit.
This is Lyllian's (age 11) She explained that it is actually built into a cliff and  the  blue  seen past the  garden and castle is water with a floating dock that the draw bridge connects to when down. I'd hate to climb all the stairs that are bound to be in this castle!

This one was done by HanaRose (age 7) She very creatively  used a  tissue box as the main  part of her building. A very pretty princess castle which has been used for Littest Pet Shop animals and Polly Pocket!
And here we have Ephraim's (age 9). This is an excellent fortress, I don't think any enemies are getting past those guard towers and wall! 

In February 2013 we began Unit 2, Renaissance & Reformation

. The excitement is really building about this unit because we get to do an in depth study of Renaissance Art, and of Early Explorers! I can't wait to dive into all of the hands-on projects for these 9 weeks of study (that is about how long each unit is). My eldest daughter is especially excited because she is crazy about art...in fact all of her Christmas gifts were themed around art!
We have created special places for art supplies and displaying everything that will be created during this unit. Actually when we changed up our learning space I made sure to create a section of art supplies making it easy for the kiddos to obtain any supplies needed for all of their projects. Eventually I will get around to posting a tour of our space and you can see pictures there.
I recently sat down and planned out our goal for completing all of Year 2 units, incorporating in the mix that we are going to be taking a month off when number six is due to arrive. This and our extended holiday breaks this year puts us finishing Unit 4 in August and then the plan is to take a short two week break to get things in order to begin Year 3.(There is a 4 year cycle in T.O.G.) As always my plans are written in pencil making room for changes as they will surely be needed!

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